
It’s a day when I saw a man in blue for the first time
Trust me; destiny was having a plan to shine

I didn’t thought we could be so close
I was busy with time and fighting with my flaws

You seemed like a light in dark shady mine
I got a diamond, yes I got a diamond
I cried with a smile after long time

The month is special, but not more than life
If you ask my wish, there is one thing on the list –

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Things you should NEVER DO if you really love someone

Many people will give you their pieces of advice what to do for keeping your relationship long-lasting. Here, Free Spirit tells you what not to do!

  1. Do not believe in the quote “if you love someone set them free”

If you really love someone, never let them go at first place. We do fight; it’s not at all wrong if you are in a relationship and debating on the things. Just don’t let them go, because once you set them free, you lose all rights to keep them in your life. Ultimately, it completely depends on them to want you or not. And sadly, they don’t.

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I do

The old days

When I moved out

To shop for you

The days when I wanted you

To feel like someone special

Would you mind if I do it again?

I am tired of all guilt now

I still don’t know why

Have I done everything wrong?

Or is there something bad on your side too?

I am still waiting for the words

You left unsaid

I am still living with the worse

You left me with

And I know you too…

This life, and for thousand years maybe

Will be less to love you

Will be less to miss you

Will be less always

I can only tell you

Not to regret ever in life

‘Coz what happens

Happens for good, right?

We were both right

We were both wrong

For one

I still love you

I told you

I can’t run

Tell me why I cry

When they say everything gonna be alright?

Tell me why they lie

When they say everything gonna be alright?

You’re asking me to give some time

I have given my life, but still want to hide

All pain, all tears, all fears from the world

Would you mind if I love you again?

I would love you better than yesterday

Would you mind if I want you forever again?

I would not let this forever go like every time

Would you mind if I ask you to come back to stay?

I would make you stay in my all way

But it’s better now

The shattered souls talk

They don’t want to get hurt

But I do

Forever-I do

For The Last Time- Will You?

Will you let me cry for one more time?

But this time, I don’t want you to seek pleasure in my tears. I want you to feel them. I want you to see the pain I will shed through them. I am tired of holding them back. I am tired of faking a smile. I want to let you know I miss you. No, I am not incomplete, but different. No, I don’t want you to be there for me forever. But this time, for the last time.

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