Chhota recharge- A worth one!

I love winters, but at a same time, my hair hates it the most. You can try spas in big saloons (people who have extra money do the same!), but for me, it is still a waste of money.  I know I am not the only person who has started talking about the great ‘Dadi maa ke nuskhe.’ Still, I would like to share few tips (chhota recharge) that I gathered from here and there for recharging hair: ImageMost of the girls have tried this and got satisfactory results. But, sometimes, not everything is made for everyone and so for me too! Still, it’s a way cheaper than paying huge bills for hot oil massage in parlour.


No!! I am not here to promote unhealthy habits. I mean you can use beer to wash off your hair. Just make sure that your scalp is not allergic to alcohol. Beer will not give good result, unless it suits you. And if in case you are low, this chhota recharge can be useful for a time! Remember – a time, not on regular basis 😉       3

Typical girl!! I know, even I sometimes jealous of long hair that my friends are having. We girls don’t get jealous of anything, but of course girls only! Still, oil is the best chhota recharge that is available in everyone’ home. Coconut or almond hair oil are from hot pick 🙂 Avoid coconut oil in winters as it can get deposit over scalp that will a bit unimpressive.





Just recharge your new vespa and forget all your problem 😉 at least for a while. You can drive long and enjoy its great mileage. So, I think it will be your Perfect Chhota Recharge- a worth one!


Mother gifts her child a new life on Mother’s Day

Karnataka: A mother is an essence of pure love and emotions. She is the only person who does not know about limits when the matter is about the concern and care of her child. Once again, a mother showed her unconditional love by gifting her son a new life in the hospital in Hubli. A 15 year old Amarnath Shidagantimath was suffering from kidney related problems from past few years. His mother Mahantavva- a homemaker has given her kidney to her son and secured his life.

In the beginning, the child was treated with medicines and later doctors recommended dialysis for him. The last two years were full of miseries for the whole family of Amarnath. He had to come to hospital twice a week for the dialysis. His father Veerabhadrayya Shidagantimath- a man who earns his living from agricultural land that he owns in Ingalahalli of Hubli taluk. In the family, there are total three sons and the family is shifted to Hubli from Ingalahalli for the sake of their children education. The eldest son is pursuing engineering and the elder one is doing a diploma course. Amarnath is the youngest son of the couple who has now quit his studies after class VI due to his kidney ailment.

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Green Tea Reduces the Risk of Cancer and Heart attack

You must have heard about green tea magic. In this article, I have detailed some golden benefits of green tea and surprisingly the tea helps to even fight the cancer besides burning you extra flab and fat. Enjoy the beverage and stay out of harm’s way.

I WOULD suggest that you take as much green tea as you can – I am not a tea vendor but want to see an end to the fatal cancer disease. Now, you will ask how that is related to cancer. Yes, it is. According to some recent studies, it has been found that green tea makes immunity system stronger and some active scientific experiements have shown that green tea extracts help in inhibiting the growth of cancer cells.